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Breaking Atoms: The Hip Hop Podcast

Apr 30, 2020

Consider this episode a two-piece to the jaw. Following last week's discussion about our favourite opening tracks on Hip Hop albums; this week, we get really creative and talk about our favourite closing tracks. The biggest shocker is that Sumit mentions Jay-Z. Again.

Apr 27, 2020

Inspired by the J-Live song of the same name, this week's discussion is about opening tracks on Hip Hop albums. Sumit and Chris deep dive about how important it is for track one to make a great first impression and share some of their favourites.

Apr 5, 2020

Due to the wonders of technology, Sumit and Chris connect on God's internet for their first-ever remote episode. They discuss how their respective quarantines are going and most importantly, what they've learned about the self during self-isolation.